YouTube will show video chapters right in search results

YouTube is announcing some new features for search to make it easier to find what you’re looking for amid the huge amount of content on the platform.

One helpful update is that YouTube will show video chapters right in search results, which should make it easier to jump to the exact part of a video that might be most helpful to you. Instead of having to tap into a video and scroll through the chapters just to find exactly the information that you’re looking for, you’ll be able to see the chapters from a search so you can navigate to certain spots in a video more easily. YouTube is also adding video previews to search results on mobile, meaning you can see a short clip of a video before you tap into it.

Another change is designed to help people find videos if there isn’t any content about what they’re looking for in their local language. If that’s the case, YouTube will show videos with automatically translated captions, titles, and descriptions in search results. The videos that will show up, in this case, are in English to start, but the company plans to expand this to more languages in the future.

And to further help people find information on YouTube, the company is experimenting with adding website links and “other formats” from Google Search to YouTube search results. This experiment is only available on mobile in India and Indonesia, but the company says it will “consider expanding” the feature to additional countries.


YouTube is announcing some new features for search to make it easier to find what you’re looking for amid the huge amount of content on the platform. One helpful update is that YouTube will show video chapters right in search results, which should make it easier to jump to the…

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