Xbox language tags will make it easier to find games you understand

In a useful accessibility move, Microsoft will now let you see exactly which languages are supported in Xbox games on the Microsoft Store and Game Pass app. Even better, the company is breaking down that information so you can tell which languages a title's interface, subtitle text and audio supports. That may not mean much to English speakers playing games built for their language, but it's a major step forward for non-native speakers, who may hesitate to try new titles without knowing if they can actually understand what's going on. It also positions Xbox as a more welcoming platform for players all over the globe.

Xbox Store language tags

According to Briana Roberts, a Senior Program Manager at Xbox, the company is currently tracking language information for "hundreds" of titles (with more to come) across 27 languages. You'll also see how your preferred language is supported at the top of the list of tags. "The world of gaming is vast and diverse, and we believe there is a perfect game or games for everyone – we’re here to make that process quicker and easier," Roberts wrote in an Xbox blog post.


In a useful accessibility move, Microsoft will now let you see exactly which languages are supported in Xbox games on the Microsoft Store and Game Pass app. Even better, the company is breaking down that information so you can tell which languages a title's interface, subtitle text and audio supports.…

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