Why you should start listening to audiobooks: From Audible to Spotify amazon sale kindle kids deals price

Many people don’t seem to have the time to read anymore. If you feel this way, you don’t have to give up on your favourite fiction or non-fiction reads entirely. 

Audiobooks are the solution to your no-time-to-read problem. They have been around for years but are making somewhat of a comeback during lockdown. 

Spotify released a series titled Harry Potter at Home, where the Philosopher’s Stone was read by characters from the movies and plays, as well as fans of the books. Throughout the book various cameos were made by familiar voices, including a brief read from the author herself. 

Audiobooks come in a number of accessible options that you can listen to anywhere at anytime. 

Also, if you have trouble falling asleep, listening to an audiobook may be an effective tool to helping you get to dreamland.

Here are your best options when it comes to audiobooks: 

Subscription options


Audible, Amazon’s audiobook platform is free for 30 days and can be can be cancelled anytime. After the free period, you will be charged around R250 a month. While this is pricey, you have access to the books you download even if you cancel your account. 

There are often epic discounts and specials, such as up to 80% off selected audiobooks. You will also have unlimited access to original podcasts, you can exchange audiobooks at anytime and you can listen to your book whether you’re online or not. 


Audiobooks has a similar offering to Audible but isn’t as sweet in terms of the cancellation policy. While you do get 30 days for free, you’ll be paying the same amount (R250) every month thereafter. 

A subscription includes a free, 1 month trial, 3 free audiobooks, a library of more than 175,000 books, plus 8,000+ free audiobooks and access to 1.2 million podcasts.

While you can cancel your trial at anytime, no strings attached, the site does not specify if you can keep the books or not. 

You can listen to a book anytime, on any device, with the option to switch between devices without loosing your place. 


Spotify is predominantly a music streaming platform but there are a few audiobook gems on here, like the Harry Potter at Home series. 

Spotify costs R59,99 a month after the free, one month trial. Spotify has its own audiobook playlist, all you need to do is search for it. 

There is some waffle you may need to sift through but hey, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. 

If you’re having trouble navigating the selection, scroll to “Artists” and “Albums” and “Playlists” for the real search results. 


Many people don’t seem to have the time to read anymore. If you feel this way, you don’t have to give up on your favourite fiction or non-fiction reads entirely.  Audiobooks are the solution to your no-time-to-read problem. They have been around for years but are making somewhat of a…

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