Tag: Food & Cooking

Prime Day kitchen deals on tech, gadgets, accessories and more during Big Deal Days

Amazon’s fall Prime Day sale discounts products in just about every category the company sells — that includes kitchen tech and cooking gadgets. While prices may go lower on Black Friday, that won’t help you with Thanksgiving dinner prep. If that’s what you’re planning, this could be a good opportunity…

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Weber Slate griddle review: A smash burger machine with clever features

Flat-top griddles are insanely popular. Even if an aspiring grill master prefers charcoal or pellets for their main machine, chances are they’re packing a griddle for smash burgers, breakfast and other items that need an even surface. Or, at the very least, they have an insert that transforms a grill…

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Breville InFizz Fusion review: The bubble master

A long time ago I watched a video about John Nese, owner of the iconic Galco’s Soda Pop Stop in LA, and one thing that stuck with me was his response after being asked how much soda he drinks. Nese said that even though he’ll have one or two a…

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Making bread by hand is hard, are breadmakers better?

There’s no finer pleasure than starting the day with a slice of hot, fresh bread dripping in salted butter. Poets have waxed on about the joys of transforming so few ingredients into such a beautiful foodstuff for millennia. But unless life has been very good to you, it’s probably not…

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How to make the most of your Instant Pot

Instant Pots had a huge moment a few years ago. Promising to be an all-in-one multi-cooker that can replace gadgets like a rice cooker, slow cooker, yogurt maker and more, the Instant Pot rose to fame in part thanks to its versatility and also the fact that it’s a good…

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The 4 best air fryers for 2024, tested and reviewed

Much like the ubiquitous Instant Pot that trended before them, air fryers can be a useful addition to your kitchen. While they excel at making things super crispy without excess oil, many of them are true multicookers with different cooking modes like bake, broil and dehydrate. Regardless of if you…

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