Sony gives in-depth look at PlayStation 5 UI in new video

Sony just revealed one of the final big questions about the upcoming PlayStation 5: what the user interface looks like. A lengthy new walkthrough shows off what it’ll look like to actually use the upcoming console when it launches on November 12th.

The new UI is a big change for Sony, offering a complete overhaul of the rather spartan menus that the PlayStation 4 offered.

The main menu of the console is broken up into a new “Control Center” menu, accessed at any time by pressing the PlayStation button, which gives players access to a wide array of system tools, like seeing notifications, which friends are online, controlling music, managing settings for the console and controller, and seeing the status of downloads. There’s also a new series of cards, a key part of the user interface that serves as a sort of ongoing feed of news about games, recent achievements or screenshots, and more.

Also in the row of cards are new “Activities”, individual cards that link out to specific levels or gameplay modes within a game. Selecting an activity will give an overview of that level, including a personalized estimate of how much time the PlayStation 5 thinks it’ll take you to finish the level, and any objects you have yet to accomplish.

Some games and objectives will also include official “Game Help” for PlayStation Plus subscribers, which will show helpful videos and hints for the specific objective directly within the game. Some cards will even support a picture-in-picture mode or split-screen view to help players see the hints side-by-side.



Sony just revealed one of the final big questions about the upcoming PlayStation 5: what the user interface looks like. A lengthy new walkthrough shows off what it’ll look like to actually use the upcoming console when it launches on November 12th. The new UI is a big change for…

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