Samsung sends team to complete the works at OLED factory in India Samsung smartphone factory in Noida, India

The display manufacturing arm of Samsung Electronics, Samsung Display is pulling out all stops to get works on its production unit at Noida in the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh completed before mid-2021.

Work on the manufacturing unit, which was announced this year, seems to have slowed down as the Covid-19 lockdown caused havoc on the schedule. Movement of workers and equipment was largely curtailed, and construction work had been stalled.

Now that things have improved, Samsung is keen to get the plant, which will supply components to Samsung Electronics’ smartphone factory in Noida, ready before May-June 2021.

Korean media is reporting that Samsung is flying 100 employees to India tomorrow to get the work going.

Samsung moving China operations to India

According to reports, members of the team — many of them Samsung employees and some of them employees of its suppliers — will leave for India on Saturday (November 7) and will go through the mandatory medical testing at the New Delhi airport. 

They will be quarantined before arriving at the plant to take up its pending work.

It may be recalled that Samsung Display has formed a regional subsidiary in India early this year after its parent company signed up an MoU with the Uttar Pradesh government to set up the plant.

Samsung, which is investing $705.75 million in the project, is hoping to generate some 1,300 jobs at the plant. 

Samsung already operates one of the world’s biggest mobile phone manufacturing plants in Uttar Pradesh. Having a local display manufacturing business would help Samsung save on import taxes in India.

It is said that this project is a relocation of Samsung’s China display manufacturing operations which the company has slowly been shutting down since last year. Interestingly, Samsung is one of the key players investing in the Make in India campaign.

For the record, Samsung has three OLED plants in China, nine plants in South Korea, and one plant in Vietnam. 

Having already chalked out its plans to expand smartphone production in India, Samsung is also set to shut down its TV making unit in Tianjin to other geographies. 

Source: The Elec


The display manufacturing arm of Samsung Electronics, Samsung Display is pulling out all stops to get works on its production unit at Noida in the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh completed before mid-2021. Work on the manufacturing unit, which was announced this year, seems to have slowed down as the…

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