Can you watch a solar eclipse in the Apple Vision Pro?

This morning, remembering I’d forgotten to order eclipse glasses, I wondered out loud: Would it be an absolutely awful idea to watch today’s solar eclipse on the Apple Vision Pro? I’m extremely not a camera expert, but I seem to recall that pointing a camera at the sun is bad. However, online answers vary widely, so I put the question to The Verge’s Emmy-winning senior video producer Becca Farsace.

Her answer was that the Vision Pro is expensive; it has a lot of cameras; and it isn’t worth the risk. She added: “Wes, you are a free soul! you can do whatever you please, but if I saw this on the internet I would be so mad that someone who spent that much money was out there doing this.”

She’s right; I am a free soul! Challenge accepted, Becca.

Okay, okay, maybe a friend gave me a pair of eclipse glasses. Putting them over the Vision Pro’s cameras enabled my vile digital sungazing ambitions (which I had already chickened out of, by the way) without risking my very expensive headset.

So yes, you can look at the eclipse with the Vision Pro, so long as you don’t mind a big “Tracking Failed” error message popping up in the middle of your view, telling you it’s too dark out.

If you would also like to point a camera at the sun — eclipse or no — Becca has additional tips in the video below.


This morning, remembering I’d forgotten to order eclipse glasses, I wondered out loud: Would it be an absolutely awful idea to watch today’s solar eclipse on the Apple Vision Pro? I’m extremely not a camera expert, but I seem to recall that pointing a camera at the sun is bad.…

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