Tag: politics

Senate bill offers more incentives for private spaceflight

Politicians are seizing on Crew Dragon fervor to offer more incentives for private spaceflight. A group of US senators including Marco Rubio, Dianne Feinstein and Ted Cruz have put forward the American Space Commerce Act, a bill that would expand per… Source

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Lawsuit claims Trump’s social media order violates free speech rights

True to expectations, President Trump’s attempt to limit protections for social media companies will face a legal challenge. The rights group Center for Democracy and Technology has sued (via the New York Times) Trump for allegedly violating the Firs… Source

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Senator Ted Cruz asks DOJ to investigate Twitter over Iran sanctions

Twitter is facing yet more scrutiny over its approach to politicians, albeit for different reasons. Axios (via The Verge) has learned that Senator Ted Cruz sent letters to the Justice and Treasury Departments ‘urging’ them to investigate Twitter for… Source

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Recommended Reading: He bought StubHub right before the pandemic

Worst. Deal. Ever.Noah Kirsch, ForbesIn November, Eric Baker’s online ticket marketplace Viagogo purchased rival StubHub for $4 billion. Baker was actually one of StubHub’s co-founders before he was fired from the company. The deal closed in February… Source

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Senators ask FTC to investigate Instacart over ‘tip baiting’

Tip baiting, where delivery service customers promise generous tips to couriers only to stiff them afterward, is a scummy practice — and politicians want to know if companies are letting it slide. A group of US senators led by Brian Schatz have sent… Source

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Huawei CFO’s is one crucial step closer to being extradited to the US

The US has edged one step closer to securing the extradition of Huawei’s CFO over alleged Iran sanction violations. The Supreme Court of British Columbia has ruled (via TechCrunch) that Meng Wanzhou’s case met the standard for “double criminality” in… Source

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