Tag: mit press

Hitting the Books: How Bell Labs jump-started the multimedia art movement

The modern world would be a pale shade of itself if not for the myriad foundational technologies developed at the Bell Telephone Labs. Its engineers invented the transistor and photovoltaic cell, charge-coupled devices, frickin’ lasers — even Unix an… Source

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Hitting the Books: Do we really want our robots to have consciousness?

From Star Trek’s Data and 2001’s HAL to Columbus Day’s Skippy the Magnificent, pop culture is chock full of fully conscious AI who, in many cases, are more human than the humans they serve alongside. But is all that self-actualization really necessar… Source

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Hitting the Books: How to be active on social media and still keep your job

With large swaths of the country still stifling under quarantine from the COVID-19 pandemic, more people than ever are supplementing their meager IRL social interactions with online alternatives. But but doing so can become a proverbial minefield wit… Source

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Hitting the Books: Without glass, we’d have never discovered the electron

From the dawn on time, humans have manipulated the material world around us to suit our will. We started off banging rocks together before moving on to wielding bronze and then iron tools. We parlayed iron into steel and built an industrialized exist… Source

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Hitting the Books: How ‘universal’ stem cells might fix our brains

The impact that stem cell therapies could have on the worst diseases known to humanity is hard to overstate. From debilitating genetic disorders to currently incurable maladies like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease — even the ability to restore me… Source

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