Tag: author_name|James Trew

The Evercade VS captures the spirit of retro gaming

Between 2016 and 2019, retro gaming had a moment. I mean anothermoment. A very specific one where gaming’s greatest all released “mini” versions of their most iconic consoles. NES? Yep. SNES? Sure. Genesis? You bet and, of course, Sony, SNK, Konami and even Commodore (sorta) got in on the trend…

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NVIDIA Broadcast is kinda underrated

What if I told you that a graphics card could be the quickest way to improve your livestream or podcast audio? It sounds counterintuitive, but think about it: A GPU often has an extreme amount of processing power sitting idle, so why not use that redundant hardware for other things?…

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Urbanista’s solar-powered headphones tease a charger-free future

81 percent. That’s the current battery level on the pair of Urbanista’s Los Angeles headphones sitting on my desk. When I took them out of the box about a week ago, the battery level was 75 percent. Number of charges? Zero. Hours of use? Around 10. In short, with some…

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GoPro addresses Hero 10 overheating issues with new firmware

GoPro is issuing a firmware update that includes new "video performance modes." These aren't new creative tools, rather they're designed to prevent cameras shutting down through overheating when recording in certain situations. The company is also unveiling a new "Enduro" battery that should improve performance in cold weather. Soon after…

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My quest for the perfect productivity mouse

When you buy a new PC, it’s easy to focus on the big three: Processor, graphics and RAM (sorry storage fans, that’s a close fourth). It’s the little things that are simple to overlook. I say that with the confidence of someone that just migrated over from a decade-old iMac…

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Tenways’ e-bike debut blends value with style

In the age of electric mobility, the trusty bicycle has played a surprisingly low-key role; scooters seem to grab all the headlines (and app rental dollars). Instead, the e-bike has become the preserve of those that can afford one. A decent conventional bike already costs a bit, so adding a…

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