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    The unofficial Apple Archive is on death’s door once more

    I hope you got your fill of the unofficial Apple Archive last week, because that expansive collection of over 15,000 classic Apple advertisements, internal training videos, and other eye-opening odds and ends from the Cupertino computer company’s history has now been ripped apart — late Friday, curator Sam Henri Gold…

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      Currencycloud nabs $80M from Visa, World Bank Group and more for its cross-border payments API

      Sending money from one country to another — either because you are a business paying someone for a service, or a family member working abroad and sending money back home, or something in between — is a huge business, worth some $700 million annually. Today, a London startup called Currencycloud,…

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        Technology is anthropology

        The interesting thing about the technology business is that, most of the time, it’s not the technology that matters. What matters is how people react to it, and what new social norms they form. This is especially true in today’s era, well past the midpoint of the deployment age of…

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          Gauging email success, invite-only app launches and other growth tactics

          Julian Shapiro Contributor Julian Shapiro is the founder of, the growth marketing team that trains startups in advanced growth, helps you hire senior growth marketers, and finds you vetted growth agencies. He also writes at More posts by this contributor Decrease user churn by better managing expectations Direct…

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            Motorola on the Razr’s folding screen: ‘bumps and lumps are normal’

            Today’s the day that the Motorola Razr is available for pre-sale for $1499, exclusively on Verizon. Motorola originally said that it should begin shipping on February 6th, but it looks like it’s already backed up to the 14th on Verizon. Alongside the pre-order launch, Motorola has posted a series of…

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              Original Content podcast: Apple’s ‘Little America’ chooses uplift over anger

              “Little America,” a new anthology series on Apple TV+, has been widely described as the best show on the fledging streaming service. Here on the Original Content podcast, we aren’t ready to go quite that far, particularly since a couple of us are big fans of “See.” But we were…

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