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    The Iowa caucus debacle shows why tech and voting don’t mix

    Heading into 2020 election, our minds — my mind — have often been focused on the election of 2016. How will Russia attempt to interfere? What role will misinformation play in the outcome? Will tech platforms play a deciding role? The problem with fighting the last war, of course, is…

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      Disney Plus grabs 28.6 million paying subscribers since launch

      Disney has revealed its first major set of results for the Disney Plus streaming service since it launched, and it’s good news: the service has reached 28.6 million paying subscribers. For context, Disney’s goal over five years is to achieve 60 to 90 million subscribers, and considering the service still…

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        Intel’s CPU stock shortages could be eased by coronavirus

        The coronavirus outbreak is having a well-documented economic impact across the globe, as well as the obvious health issues, and it seems that Intel’s supply problems may actually be eased as a side-effect of the virus. A report from DigiTimes details the purported effects of the virus outbreak on the…

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          GTA 6 loses long-time Rockstar leader Dan Houser

          It’s all change at Rockstar Games, the home of Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto, as co-founder Dan Houser is said to be leaving the company. Revealed in a statement by Rockstar Games parent company Take-Two Interactive, Houser (who was has been on an extended leave period since spring…

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            Samsung Galaxy Z Flip name just appeared on Samsung’s own website

            For a while there we were a little confused as to what the foldable phone set to launch alongside the Samsung Galaxy S20 phones would be called – Galaxy Fold 2, Galaxy Bloom, Galaxy Z Flip – but new information makes us almost certain the latter is correct. This information…

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              Rise of Skywalker’s VFX reel shows how Leia was brought back for the finale

              Regardless of whether you agree with the decision to bring back the late Carrie Fisher to reprise her role as Leia in The Rise of Skywalker, at the very least it’s an impressive technical achievement. Now, a new visual effects (VFX) breakdown from Industrial Light & Magic has shed more…

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