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    Huawei is suing Verizon over patent infringements

    China’s largest telecommunications equipment maker Huawei has announced that it is suing the US wireless carrier Verizon for alleged patent violations. The Chinese company sued Verizon in two US District courts in Texas this week, over how the wireless carrier allegedly used 12 of its patents related to computer networking,…

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      You can now make sick beats in Microsoft Excel

      Late last year, electronic musician and YouTuber Dylan Tallchief made a functional drum machine in Microsoft Excel after a bunch of Excel DAW memes made their way around social media. Now, Tallchief is back with an even more ambitious project that fully realizes the original meme’s potential: an Excel DAW…

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        Metro Exodus is finally coming to Steam after launching as an Epic Games Store exclusive

        Metro Exodus will be available on Steam starting Saturday, February 15th, according to a tweet by the series’ official Twitter account. The game launched as an Epic Games Store exclusive last year, also on February 15th. The game should be available at the same time in many regions, according to…

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          Netflix’s Locke and Key mashes up Riverdale and The Haunting of Hill House

          Locke and Key is what would happen if you took the brooding teen drama of Riverdale and combined it with the all-too-real family tragedy and otherworldly scares of The Haunting of Hill House. That might make Netflix’s latest series sound derivative. But while it shares a similar tone as other…

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            Netflix begins streaming in AV1 on Android

            Netflix announced this week that it has started to stream titles in AV1 on Android in what could significantly help the two-year-old media codec gain wider adoption. The world’s biggest streaming giant said on Wednesday that by switching from Google’s VP9 — which it previously used on Android — to…

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              After Iowa caucus flub, can tech be trusted in elections?

              An app intended to speed up reporting of election results for the Iowa caucuses has failed spectacularly, not only confusing the electorate but perhaps poisoning their feelings toward making any technological “improvements” to the voting process whatsoever. TechCrunch staff reporters Brian Heater, Jonathan Shieber, Zack Whittaker, Devin Coldewey and Ingrid…

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