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    The straight line from Google Maps to Clearview AI

    Few apps made by a Big Tech company have improved more over the years than Google Maps. When it launched in 2005, it was a moderately better alternative to AOL’s MapQuest. With the rise of smartphones, it became truly essential to the lives of millions — upending incumbents whose entire…

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      ‘Free’ downloads of Oscar-nominated movies are actually nasty bundles of malware

      Security researchers at Kaspersky have found hundreds of sites hosting bundles of malicious software, presented as free downloads of this year’s Oscar-nominated movies. They also discovered a slew of phishing sites that tricked users into entering confidential information and even credit card details, using films including 1917 and Jojo Rabbit…

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        A Friends reunion sounds like it’s very close to reality on HBO Max

        New streaming service HBO Max paid top dollar to get the exclusive US streaming rights to the classic sitcom Friends – and after a lot of rumors, it’s reportedly close to making a reunion show, too. Deadline reports that the entire cast has “reached an agreement in principle” to return…

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          Microsoft products were targeted the most by hackers last year

          Cyber-criminals have been able to exploit more vulnerabilities in Microsoft products compared to other companies for the third straight year.  According to a report by Recorded Future, of the ten most common software flaws detetcted during 2019, Microsoft products outweighed those from other vendors. Four of the most popular exploits…

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            Motorola Razr fold test shows it could fail in less than 12 months of regular use

            Motorola’s new Razr stopped being able to fully fold after just over 27,000 folds and around three-and-a-half hours in CNET’s “FoldBot” folding machine. Problems were discovered after the team took the phone out of the machine to check it for the third time, after which they realized it was struggling…

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              Marketing in the age of artificial emotional intelligence

              For brands, personalization is now critical to effective planning, activation and measurement of marketing campaigns. Powered by data and Artificial Intelligence (AI), creating bespoke communications helps to ensure the right person receives the right content, via the right channel at the right time. About the author Xue Bai, Senior Research…

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