Category: maps

Google Maps to add more detailed maps, crowd indicators, better routing and more

Google has announced a series of updates soon coming to Google Maps, as part of the company’s larger goal of delivering over 100 A.I.-powered improvements to the platform by year-end. Among the new improvements, detailed during Google I/O’s developer conference this week, are new routing updates, Live View enhancements, an…

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Deepfake tech takes on satellite maps

While the concept of “deepfakes,” or AI-generated synthetic imagery, has been decried primarily in connection with involuntary depictions of people, the technology is dangerous (and interesting) in other ways as well. For instance, researchers have shown that it can be used to manipulate satellite imagery to produce real-looking — but…

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Google Maps now shows you COVID-19 stats

Google has already released a number of COVID-related features on its Maps app, including noting potential transit delays due to the outbreak, the relative busyness of local businesses and tagging the locations of nearby COVID testing sites. On Wedne… Source

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Google makes it easier to find Black-owned businesses in Maps and Search

Google is making it easier for buyers and customers to find Black-owned businesses to support. The tech giant has introduced a Black-owned attribute merchants based in the US can add to their profile, so long as they’re verified. Google will then put… Source

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Almost a fifth of Earth’s ocean floor has been mapped

Us humans know more about the surface of the Moon than we do Earth’s oceans, but there’s progress on closing that gap. The Seabed 3030 Project reports (via BBC News) that scientists have mapped 19 percent of ocean floors to contemporary standards, or… Source

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Google highlights accessible locations with new Maps feature

Google has announced a new, welcome and no doubt long asked-for feature to its Maps app: wheelchair accessibility info. Businesses and points of interest featuring accessible entrances, bathrooms and other features will now be prominently marked as such. Millions, of course, require such accommodations as ramps or automatic doors, from…

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