Category: Information technology

Extra Crunch roundup: SaaS founder salaries, break-even neobanks, Google Search tips

Usually, a teacher who grades students on a curve is boosting the efforts of those who didn’t perform well on the test. In the case of cloud companies, however, it’s the other way around. As of Q1 2021, startups in this sector have median Series A rounds around $8 million,…

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Healthcare is the next wave of data liberation

David Jegen Contributor More posts by this contributor The restaurant table(t) is getting crowded Carl Byers Contributor Why can we see all our bank, credit card and brokerage data on our phones instantaneously in one app, yet walk into a doctor’s office blind to our healthcare records, diagnoses and prescriptions?…

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It’s time to abandon business intelligence tools

Charles Caldwell Contributor Charles Caldwell is VP of product management at Logi Analytics, which empowers the world’s software teams with intuitive, developer-grade embedded analytics solutions. He has more than 20 years’ experience in the analytics market, including 10+ years of direct customer implementation experience. Organizations spend ungodly amounts of money…

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HTC shrinks its VR Tracker, debuts new face-tracking accessory

HTC is today launching its third-generation Vive Tracker, which is significantly smaller in size and weight than its immediate predecessor. The Vive Tracker 3.0 is around 33 percent smaller than the 2018 model, and 15 percent lighter, with a footprint roughly 10 centimeters, or four inches, smaller. These quality-of-life size…

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Chrome OS is getting a big redesign for its 10th birthday

To celebrate the 10th birthday of Chrome OS, Google is announcing a revamp today and a new set of tools to make the platform much more useful. Of note, it's adding a new clipboard that remembers the last five things you copied, a Phone Hub to make accessing your Android…

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Data is the world’s most valuable (and vulnerable) resource

There’s a gaping hole in the data loss prevention market Kara Nortman 19 hours Kara Nortman Contributor More posts by this contributor Consumer-oriented investors may have an edge investing in digital health There’s no overstating it: 2020 was a hell of a year. When future generations learn about 2020, the…

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