Category: canada

Alphabet’s Sidewalk Labs abandons its Toronto smart neighborhood project

Alphabet subsidiary Sidewalk Labs will no longer pursue its dream of a smart neighbourhood in Toronto.In a Medium blog post, CEO Daniel Doctoroff said “unprecedented economic uncertainty” meant it was “too difficult” to achieve its dreams for Quaysid… Source

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Lyft is offering lower-cost rides if you’re willing to wait longer

In an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect riders and drivers alike, Lyft has paused Shared Rides in all markets. But doing so eliminates its most affordable ride option and could create a financial strain for many users. So today, Lyft… Source

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Edtech’s newest unicorn, ApplyBoard, lands $1.4B valuation with fresh funding

Brothers Martin, Meti and Massi Basiri all left Iran to study abroad in Canada. After struggling with every aspect from the visa process to grade conversions, the brothers saw an opportunity to make the transition to study internationally more seamless. So, they started Applyboard in 2015 at University of Waterloo’s…

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KlearNow raises $16 million to bring customs clearance industry into the digital age

Customs is the sieve of international supply chains. And yet despite its critical role, clearing customs for freight brokers can be a slow and opaque process reliant on manual data entry and prone to errors. Silicon Valley-based KlearNow has developed a platform that aims to bring customs clearance into the…

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With fresh support from its billionaire backers Pivot Bio is ushering in a farming revolution

In the first decade of the twentieth century two German chemists, Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch, invented fertilizer — the nitrogen compound which ushered in modern agriculture and saved the world from potential starvation. Now, over a century later, a new group of scientists backed by government-owned international investment funds…

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Elon Musk says Starlink internet private beta to begin in roughly three months, public beta in six

SpaceX CEO and founder Elon Musk has shared more details about when in 2020 we can expect the company’s Starlink low-latency, high-bandwidth satellite internet service to actually be available to customers. He said on Twitter that a private beta for Starlink would begin in around three months, with a public…

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