Category: ai

My AI-moderated video chat with strangers gave me hope

In 2017, artists and filmmakers Lauren Lee McCarthy, Grace Lee and Tony Patrick were tasked with dreaming up the “future of work” for a residency at the University of Southern California. As part of a 3-month process of exploring ideas for the better… Source

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Samsung Mobile’s head of camera R&D wants your phone to ‘personalize’ your photos

Samsung announced its first Galaxy S smartphone in the heady days of 2010, and at the time people were too jazzed by its 4-inch Super AMOLED screen and 1GHz processor to fret much about its cameras. The same could be said of Samsung itself — the comp… Source

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Researchers built an AI that plays chess like a person, not a super computer

We mere mortals haven't truly been competitive against artificial intelligence in chess in a long time. It's been 15 years since a human has conquered a computer in a chess tournament. However, a team of researchers have developed an AI chess engine… Source

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Grimes and Endel bring their AI-powered sleep sounds to Android

Last October, Endel announced that it had partnered with Grimes for a special ‘soundscape’ inside its music app, which is meant to help you focus, relax or fall asleep. The collaboration was called AI Lullaby and, as you might have guessed from the n… Source

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This startup says its AI can better spot a healthy embryo — and improve IVF success

With every year, AI is beginning to bring more standardized levels of diagnostic accuracy in medicine. This is true of skin cancer detection, for example, and lung cancers. Now, a startup in Israel called Embryonics says its AI can improve the odds of successfully implanting a healthy embryo during in…

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Chinese facial recognition unicorn Megvii prepares China IPO

Megvii, one of China’s largest facial recognition startups, is gearing up for an initial public offering in Shanghai. The company is working with CITIC Securities to prepare for its planned listing, according to an announcement posted by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on Tuesday. The move came more than a…

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